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《Star-rated🌟 Wines on Sale from $38》

Michelin 3-Stars' Pick🏆Italy Mount Etna Wine from $400

Wed & Thu👑Prestige VIP Day【Extra 5% OFF】🔥

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With fresh flavor, baijiu becomes the favorite of Hong Kong people

In recent years, baijiu has also become very popular among Hong Kong people. For those who are still young in drinking, the freshness of baijiu has become their first choice. Its ingredients and the food it is paired with are all fresh and healthy. Popular. White wine is made from fermented grapes that have been peeled (which is why white wine is white). The floral and fruity aroma it brings is very attractive, and because it contains a trace amount of tannin, its acidic substances include citric acid. , malic acid, etc. will be more prominent, making it an easy-to-eat choice. Because liquor also contains a variety of antioxidant substances, such as tyrosol, hydroxyl, etc., it can help resist oxidation and prevent some cardiovascular diseases. Some studies even indicate that liquor may have a certain effect on maintaining gastrointestinal health and preventing type 2 diabetes. In addition, the general price of liquor is not expensive, which naturally attracts people to buy it. To enjoy high-quality liquor that suits your taste, you must first have a detailed understanding of a product before choosing. Some online liquor stores can provide you with detailed liquor product content for customers’ reference. Take our Chelsea International Limited website as an example. It sells a wide variety of liquors, and the aroma, taste, ingredients, etc. of the wine are also listed in detail. It is clear at a glance that New Zealand, Italy, France and other brands have products, so we can help you choose wine and It brings a great experience in terms of wine tasting. For detailed product information, including liquor prices, please log in to our website.

Frequently asked questions about liquor and liquor prices

Does Liquor have to be refrigerated to drink well?

What food goes best with white wine?

Which liquor does your store recommend the most?